The core principle behind hacking for social good is collaboration. HackDuke's project tracks provide various avenues for participants to collaborate with each other, with university-supported initiatives, and with local community organizations.
HackDuke is not just about building meaningful projects. It's also an open forum to discuss, share and bring to life ideas that aim to make a positive impact on social issues. Look forward to working with experts from non-profits and coding alongside mentors from tech companies!
HackDuke encourages students to venture beyond the classroom. Learn how your skills can be used to make a difference in other people's lives. Tracks enable members to collaborate while providing an alleyway to partnership with peers, local organizations, nonprofits and universities to continue working towards the cause.
HackDuke emphasizes its commitment to social good through four unique project tracks. Tracks enable members to collaborate while providing an alleyway to partnership with peers, local organizations, nonprofits and universities to continue working towards the cause.
Select a track for more info!